For pretreatment, we have a large selection of blocking agents, buffers, and enzymes for antigen retrieval. For staining, we have a large selection of primary and secondary antibodies. We offer monoclonal antibodies from mouse and polyclonal antibodies from rabbit, sheep, goat, and pig. In addition, we have monoclonal antibodies produced in rabbits (RabMab), which generate higher affinity and sensitivity.
We have secondary antibodies in various purification formats - F(ab')2 and FAB, as well as cross-absorbed against for example human. We have almost the entire spectrum of fluorochrome-, biotin-, and enzyme-labeled secondary antibodies. We will be able to find a secondary antibody matching nearly all applications.
We offer a series of detection systems for IHC that will give you an optimal signal-to-noise rate. The avidin-biotin complex (ABC) method is used by many in research, but the biotin-free, polymer-based detection systems are becoming more widely used as they are highly sensitive and easy to work with. Multiplexing gives several advantages, and we offer detection systems that can multiplex 2+ antibodies. For research in microenvironments, immunological markers, etc., we carry high-end multiplexing systems. Highly multiplexed IHC will enable you to analyze more than 37+ antigens in one tissue sample.
For visualization, we also supply several different chromogens, DAP (brown), red, blue, yellow, black, and green – all of which are suitable for HRP and AP detection systems.
Within pathology, we have products for both research and diagnostics to cover your entire workflow from sample preparation, antigen retrieval and blocking, antibodies, and detection. We always have the optimal solution for your laboratory.